Transforming the Homeland and National Security Mission through Artificial Intelligence
The United States has arrived at a critical inflection point as artificial intelligence (AI) will vastly impact the daily lives of citizens and deliver unprecedented capabilities across the public and private sectors. Within the federal government, agencies are already adopting AI and devising strategies for how to effectively utilize this transformative technology. In particular, the use of AI has been most consequential in supporting the mission sets around homeland and national security.
Read what industry and government experts had to say about the impact of AI on homeland and national security at the policy forum Transforming the Homeland and National Security Mission through Artificial Intelligence, hosted by the Homeland Security Dialogue Forum on September 25, 2019.
Joining in the discussions were Congressman Jerry McNerney, Co-Chair Congressional Artificial Intelligence Caucus; Col. James Brown Director of the USAF Strategic Studies Group and founder of the Air Force Artificial Intelligence Accelerator at MIT; Dr. Ray Cook, Chief Technology Officer at the Central Intelligence Agency; Mr. Andre Hentz, Deputy Undersecretary for Science and Technology (acting) at the Department of Homeland Security; Martin Stanley, Artificial Intelligence Technical Advisor, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, DHS; Pat Sack, Vice President, Oracle National Security Group; Michael Hermus, former CTO at the Department of Homeland Security; Steve Escarvarge, Senior VP for the Booz Allen Hamilton Strategic Innovation Group; Dr. Reggie Brothers, former Under Secretary for Science and Technology at the Department of Homeland Security; and Jonathan Alboum, the Principal Digital Strategist for the ServiceNow Public Sector.