America's Partnership for Homeland, Cyber, and National Security

Artificial Intelligence at DHS: Progress, Vision & the Path Forward

Join HSDF on August 14th for a special event- ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AT DHS: Progress, Vision & the Path Forward.

We will be joined by Mr. Charlie Armstrong, CIO at FEMA; Mr. Sunil Madhugiri, CTO at CBP; and Ms. Kristin Ruiz, Deputy CIO at TSA. A series of discussions will examine how AI is helping DHS components work smarter and quicker, training the workforce to better leverage AI, optimizing data management for improved AI outcomes, and how industry can be a better partner to DHS in their modernization journeys, among other areas. Moderating these discussions will be Dr. Barry West, former CIO at FEMA and former Acting Deputy CIO at DHS.

This event is open to the public, however seating is limited, please contact to reserve your spot or if you have any questions.