America's Partnership for Homeland, Cyber, and National Security

Shannon Crocker

Director, Homeland Security Division


Shannon Crocker has been supporting the Department of Homeland Security for over 8 years and has now incorporated the Department of Justice team for optimal synergies. Her passion is empowering customers in both the mission space and IT, enabling greater customer success across these organizations and helping solve tough challenges. She has found new ways to impact her customers by facilitating cross collaboration & bringing together Microsoft’s resources to help customers achieve their goals.

Previous experience ranges from dynamic flight controls and navigation systems for UAV’s supporting aviation companies and the Army to helping facilitate Neuroscience research with observational and behavioral software. She has participated in various organizations including the Homeland Security and Defense Forum (HSDF), Homeland Security and Defense Business Council (HSDBC), ACT-IAC and AFCEA.

Shannon earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Engineering from the University of Virginia. She is married to Sean and has one son Brodie (11) who reside in Middleburg, VA. In spare time, she enjoys hiking, yoga and cooking.